ARTSV104.ZIP 1335,826 05-09-96 ARTSAVER Nature 1.04 High res. Screen Savers.30 high resolution superb pictures showingnature in autumn. Pictures are in True Colorwith resolution up to 1024x768 in a compress
fractal format. Each picture is shown withmany transition and dissolved effects givingthis screen saver a unique artistic quality.Run in Windows 3.1 or 95, with 3Mb of freeH.D. space and SVGA monitor or higher.<ASP>
ASSMAN10.ZIP 16,924 05-20-96 Association Manager v1.0 - Associates severalexecutable files with any given extension -rather than just one - from Windows File orProgram Manager.
BATNOT15.ZIP 389,125 05-11-96 BATCHNOTES creates yellow sticky notes andlaunches them to the screen. Optional alarmmakes note pop-up at preset time. Cut andpaste your memo-text to and fro applicationsor store in file for later retrieval.
CDPLY100.ZIP 263,680 05-15-96 Music CD player for windows <ASP> A programfor anyone who wants to be able to play musicCDs on their PC. CD Player is a standardwindows program, and features all the usualwindows features like graphics, mouse,
buttons and more! Very easy to use! Play theentire CD and see the percentage of the track& CD that has been played. Or you can clickon a panel to select a track to play.
CDWA404.ZIP 290,578 05-15-96 CD Wizzard CD Audio Player for Windows It hasall the functions of a home CD player plusmany, many more! It saves the disc and tracksnames in its database. CD Wizzard has a full
3D look that is totally customizable. In iconmode, the icon is updated with the disc andtrack time. There is a full help file thatdescribes all features of CD Wizzard. Musttry this one!!
DOPEV100.ZIP 246,224 06-24-96 The Dopefish Screen Saver for Windows Thisfreeware screen saver works with both Windows3.1 and Windows95. Watch as Dopefish movesaround your screen! He'll swim, eat, and (ofcourse) burp!! This screen saver is written
by Andre Viens, and is not a product ofeither Apogee or id. Swim, Swim, Hungry!
DTCAD22.ZIP 1445,638 07-18-96 DeltaCad v2.2 <ASP> - DeltaCad is a powerful,easy to learn, CAD (Computer Aided Design)program. It can produce accurately scaleddrawings, or just pretty pictures to pasteinto your favorite word processor. DeltaCad
can be used for Drafting, House plans, Decks,Business Cards, Forms, Signs, Labels, Maps,Flow Charts, Home or School Projects, etc.DeltaCad is a true 32-bit program compatiblewith Windows, Windows NT, or Windows 95.
ENFRC21.ZIP 347,675 06-07-96 Windows Enforcer v2.1 protects systems that'ropenly accessible but require a consistentconfig and limited selection of service.
FILEX107.ZIP 321,751 06-08-96 File-Ex v1.07 <ASP> - File Dialog Extensions.Make Win3.x file dialogs what they should be!For Windows 3.1/3.11. Adds file Find, Copy,Delete, Rename, Move and MakeDir functions to
most Windows applications' Open and Savedialogs, plus easily access the last 25 filesand directories used. (Also adds 3-D look.)Fully functional shareware evaluation copy.By Cottonwood Software <ASP> <STAR> <ESC>Released June 8th, 1996.
FNW16V12.ZIP 551,377 06-24-96 File Navigator For Windows is a MicrosoftWindows based file management utility. FileNavigator For Windows provides for easymanagement of such standard file types as theFidonet QWK/REP mail packets, archive files
(ZIP, ARJ, LHA, and EXE), TXT files, as wellas GIF and JPG graphics files. In addition,it provides for up to 9 user-defined fileextensions.
FXEDIT.ZIP 55,547 07-03-96 File Editor for Windows v1.6
GROUPER.ZIP 218,435 07-08-96 Grouper v2.0, file launcher. The quick, easyway to organize and launch files andprograms. Group files together and launchall, organize all files of a project to findand launch quickly. Win 3.1/Win95 shareware.
GTIDSK13.ZIP 1362,893 06-21-96 GTI Desktop+ V1.3 <ASP> - Utility Set Ascreen saver,animated wallpaper, wallpaperchanger, custom cursor & startup/exit soundchanger in one integrated package. Featuresphotorealistic screen savers/wallpapers,
random screen saver selection and can turnany bitmap into a screen saver. (Shareware)
HOTC.ZIP 31,708 05-26-96 Hot Corners v1.3 Allows you to activate ordisable the screen saver by positioning thecursor in a user-defined corner of the screen.
IMSOBUSY.ZIP 263,341 07-30-96 "I'm So Busy!" ScreenSaver - Win3.1+/Win95Always busy or does it seem that way? Runthis screensaver & let others know! Perfectfor businessmen, executives, office workers,secretaries, personal use. 'Busy' statements
scroll by as pictures block-in, scroll, andwipe into view. Shareware. (c) 1996 AndrewMalek of Excel Progs. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
INIPRO3E.ZIP 257,170 06-05-96 INIPRO v3.0e - INI Editor for Win3.x, Win95,WinNT and OS/2 designed to make editingstandard ".ini" files quick & easy.
IN_AM211.ZIP 993,428 07-06-96 Incredible(America, v2.11) screen saver Need:Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL, and VGA (256)color. Incredible(America) is a screen saverwhere you can experience a variety of amazing
views in America: happy birds sing and glideover rivers and forest. Go to my home page get the latest version and more BETTER sav
IN_MN232.ZIP 601,282 06-15-96 Incredible(Moon, v2.32) screen saver Need:Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL, and SVGA (256)color. Incredible(Moon) is a screen saverwhere you can experience a variety of amazingviews under different Seasons: happy birds
sing and glide over rivers and forest. Cloudswind amo mountains...This part, Moon, willshow you a very COOL silver world under theMoon. Go to my home page
IN_SP231.ZIP 405,754 06-15-96 Incredible(Space, v2.31) screen saver Need:Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL, and SVGA (256)color. Incredible - Space is a screen saverwhere you can experience wonderful viewsunder the sun:happy birds sing and glide over
ocean and sailing ships. Go to my home page get the latest version and more BETTER savwith screenshots. You can reach me at
JOY_CTRL.ZIP 18,079 05-19-96 Use your Joystick as a Midi Controller inWindows. requires a Windows Joystick Driver
KEYEX120.ZIP 347,153 06-03-96 Keyboard Express v1.2 <WIN> [ASP] is aWindows Keyboard Macro. Simply enter in textor auto-capture for easy playback. Assign upto 288 hot keys with up to 5000 keystrokeseach. Easily add, modify, delete and copy hot
keys. Add current date and time tokeystrokesfor example: easily paste currentdate and return address into your wordprocessor. Program runs transparent in thebackground.
KSINK.ZIP 458,376 08-17-96 Kitchen sink 2.30 Kitchen Sink is a veryunique utility that provides many featuresfor the user. An extensive launch facilitythat may be located anywhere on the desktop,Maintains Calendar notes by date with search
facilities. Text editor, Wallpaper scheduler,CD Player with volume control, gif and jpegviewer PKUnzip Shell for unzipping files,
LMMOUSE.ZIP 1293,361 06-15-96 Larry's Master The Mouse is an MS Windowsprogram to allow you to learn and practiceusing the mouse. It has lots of fun graphicsand sounds to aid in the learning process.
MACROM30.ZIP 296,192 06-11-96 MACRO MANIA 3.0 - "A Power User's Dream!"Start new or switch to currently runningWindows programs. Quickly send keystrokes &transport information between programs usingcut, copy, & paste functions. You can
schedule macros, messages, and more. Workswith any Windows application and has aneasy-to-use interface that will help youquickly become a "Macro Maniac". "Reviewer'sPick" (Needs VBRUN300.DLL)
MASKS15.ZIP 672,196 05-26-96 Dream Masks v1.5 is a MediaAlbum/Screen Saverfor WIN 95 & 3.1+. Fifteen original computerpaintings and classic poetry explore thesubtle, mysterious and often highly personalinterface between dreams and masks. Each
painting is a complex, dynamic image withinwhich you might see abstract beauty, mythicpermutations and alternative identities. The24 bit graphics are royalty free toregistered users.
MEMSIZ.ZIP 521,307 08-01-96 System Resources v3.20 (Rick Papo, 01 August1996, Free). A simple utility for monitoringsystem activity and resources. Sourceincluded. English, French, Spanish, German,Catalan, Danish, Chinese (BIG5), Norwegian,
MM-ICONS.ZIP 67,881 07-02-96 Icons - The Series Of Mega-Man Games
MM30A.ZIP 296,327 08-03-96 MACRO MANIA 3.0 - "A Power User's Dream!"Start new or switch to currently runningWindows programs. Quickly send keystrokes &transport information between programs usingcut, copy, & paste functions. You can
schedule macros, messages, and more. Workswith any Windows application and has aneasy-to-use interface that will help youquickly become a "Macro Maniac". "Reviewer'sPick" (Needs VBRUN300.DLL)
MONET.ZIP 121,295 05-15-96 Monet Clock (v0.99) is a freebie analogueclock with a pretty picture in the background
MOZART20.ZIP 1918,467 06-17-96 MOZART the Windows Music Processor creates,edits, and prints music scores and individualparts using the computer keybord only; isWYSIWYG; saves scores to disk and exportsMIDI files for "aural preview" on multimedia
PC's. For both serious amateur & novice users.
NBOOK.ZIP 60,478 07-01-96 NoteBook for Windows v2.1
NEKO95.ZIP 33,951 06-09-96 Neko v1.5e. Neko is a little cat who sits onthe desktop and chases the mouse pointeraround.
NOKYSW11.ZIP 20,342 05-23-96 No-Keys 1.1 is a virtual (on-screen) keyboardthat allows you to type in Windows 3.1 usingonly a mouse. It is designed primarily forpeople with disabilities that prevent themfrom using the keyboard.
4-application in one package. For everydayuse. Requires: Mouse, Win 3.1 or Win 95.Shareware (US $29 + shipping, MC/Visa) By:Nungjane Shi, ASP member. Creative Stars,Inc.
PRCR121.ZIP 5,847 08-14-96 Program Creator version 1.21 Create programobjects by dragging files and folders on thecreator icon. You can also use the commandcrprog at the prompt. Saves the trouble ofusing the migration program or typing in the
program's path and name to program template.Freeware. Author: Anssi Blomqvist,
PWK4009.ZIP 498,534 08-05-96 PathWalker v4.00 <ASP> Windows application tocreate file and directory listings. View,print, or save listings. Saved listings canbe used with word processor or spreadsheetapplications.
START11.ZIP 557,531 05-24-96 StartHere! v1.1 - For Windoz! StartHerescreen saver is a spoof on Windoz 95! Runs inWin31 and Win95. Special screen for Win31users! Requires: Windoz, SVGA-256, Sound!Brandyware Software
TASKDLL.ZIP 149,802 05-22-96 TASK & DLL STATUS v1.0 - Windows 3.1 utility.Monitors 16-bit apps and DLL files in & outof memory. Sort by any column (name, size,date, hTask, hMod- ule, hInstance, Usage,Version) Most recently loaded app/DLLs
highlighted. Print, save options VBRUN300.DLLreq'd. By Glen McGregor. $10.
WCPD26.ZIP 66,646 05-23-96 Complete Program Deleter 2.6 for Windowsremoves all files and directories added to adisk by any installation utility, andrestores AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS,SYSTEM.INI, and WIN.INI. A complete
uninstaller for Windows or DOS programs.
WILBR141.ZIP 1572,594 07-06-96 Wilbur 1.41 - Index, search and view files.Inspired by a lack of a suitable Windowsreplacement for Lotus Magellan, Wilbur wascreated to let you quickly search thecontents of your files. Fast indexing with
small indexes. Supports wild cards, logicalsand indexing files inside Zip archives.Results are shown in context. Fully featured30 day time limited evaluation copy. Win95and WinNT only. See
WSP300.ZIP 643,505 08-23-96 This is a freeware version of WinSpeech 3.0text
WST100.ZIP 1412,957 06-14-96 Who Said That? 1.0 SE <ASP> Quote DatabaseLooks up quotes by author, subject, date oreven by full text search. Copy quotes to theclipboard, save in favorites file, or printthem. 1500 quotes included. 6000 in the
registered version. Additional quotes areavailable. Requires Windows 3.1 or greater.SWREG #12034
ZPROW225.ZIP 640,489 06-26-96 ZIP'R Pro For Windows v2.25 <ASP> HD TriplerZIP'R Pro stores programs in compressed formwhen they are not being used. Use ZIP'R Proto automatically decompress a program,execute it, and recompress it again. Uses
ARJ, LHA, PKZIP, or built-in compression. Neweasy-to-use interface with status screens,Windows-native compression, popup hints, usercustomization of icons, popup menus, and more!